Monday, January 4, 2021

A Nursery Rhyme by Bill Killeen

Little Bo Trump has lost his votes

And doesn’t know where to find them.

He looked in the shed and under the bed

At even Melania’s diadems.

If he leaves them alone, will they come home

Dragging their chads behind them?

What if they don’t?  Maybe they won’t.

Could be they’re off to Sinhailien.

Little Bo Trump fell fast asleep

And dreamt that he heard them all bleating.

He saw a big sign that said “Georgia State Line”

Which immediately set him to tweeting.

He asked his friend Brad to head a pliead

Of searchers to hunt for the votes,

But Brad said, “I can’t.  I'm stuck with my Aunt.

She’s in for the week from Rajkot.”

Bo Trump heaved a sigh, wiped a tear from his eye

And said, “Well I guess I’ll be going.

With all the votes gone, it’s time to move on.

Joe Biden I won’t be overthrowing.”